Since 1998, we have been dedicated to providing the highest standards and most dependable services available anywhere. We are artists, designers, machinists, painters, model makers, problem solvers, and innovators. Through quality service, hard work, heavy reinvestment, and absolute dedication to each project, our growth and accomplishments have mirrored the enthusiasm for the work we do.
Our Philosophy: Is to serve as an integral tool, easily implemented by you or your team of designers and engineers, to aid in the entire development process. When you come to us you get more than problem solving attention and turnkey prototyping service, we are dedicated to making your job easier and your products better. When you need a quote or have questions on your project you will receive direct attention and prompt answers. Quotes are processed via proprietary software to ensure thoroughness and consistency in service and pricing as well as providing an expedient reply, we understand timing can be everything. We measure our success by your satisfaction, if you’re happy, we’re happy.
Security & Confidence: We work with some of the largest corporations in the world to small companies and independent entrepreneurs whose projects can mean everything to them. We take that trust and responsibility seriously. Confidentiality is an utmost priority and your information is held in the strictest privacy.
We do our best to buy and support the U.S.A!